Nagarta Communications is a
commercial enterprise. It was established by investors and professionals who
strongly believe in the power of the radio and its efficacy in the mobilisation
of people and communities for the pursuit of public good.
The vision of
Nagarta Radio is to fill the yawning credibility gap which exists today among
most media establishments in Nigeria - both print and electronic.
achieve this, Nagarta Communications established the Nagarta Radio Board and
Management comprising eminent and experienced Administrators, Managers and
Professionals of proven integrity. These are people from all walks of life, who
have distinguished themselves in the service of their fatherland, and whose
unassailable character will form the bedrock of integrity and service delivery
of Nagarta Radio.
In view of the low literacy
rate of most developing nations, radio has become the main source of
socio-economic and political communication, which forms the foundation for the
establishment and sustenance of solid democratic institutions and democratic
culture and practice.
Accordingly, Nagarta Radio, an independent
commercial radio station has been established and equipped with a 50kw
transmitter (Dx Density Transmitter), the most innovative medium wave
transmitters in the world from HARRIS.
The Station transmits on 747
KHz frequency Range.
Nagarta Radio operates in accordance with the
National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) Act No. 38 of 1992 and the NBC (amended)
Act No. 55 of 1999, and all rules and policies of the Nigerian Communications
Commission (NCC) that pertains to commercial radio broadcasts.
Nagarta Radio Mission is to:
Serve the general public by providing a variety of high quality programming
that serves the diverse interest of its listenership, particularly in political,
economic, social and cultural issues;
Maintain a high standard of quality in content, presentation and technical
competence; and
Maximize the commercial value of the station.
Nagarta Radio: Our Objectives
As an independent commercial radio
station, Nagarta Radio shall among other diverse interests, fulfill the
following objectives:
Provide programmes, information and informed commentaries on political
issues, with a view to enlightening the citizenry of the benefits of sustaining
democratic culture and practice.
Provide programmes, information and informed commentaries on general
economic, agricultural and related issues;
Provide programmes and information and informed commentaries on arts,
science, technology and culture generally.
Present information and discussion of significant issues such as
international affairs, human rights, etc, thereby contributing to the
development of an informed citizenry.
Convey the diverse religious and cultural richness of our society and by
presenting it, widen and deepen the concept of religious and ethnic tolerance
among Nigerians;
Develop diverse local programmes in support of other mass education agencies
to educate the general populace in the areas if general education as well as
social and health problems challenging the society, such as HIV/AIDS, Water-Born
Diseases, Malaria, V V F. Polio and other related issues;
Encourage listeners to enrich their lives through music and the arts, thus
widening their insights concerning life's experiences and the relationship
between individuals, society and our cultural milieu; and
Provide listeners with information on employment, training opportunities in
various fields.
Provide training opportunities not only for staff of Nagarta Radio but for
practitioners in similar organisations.
Bala Usman Speech at Nagarta Radio's Inauguration